The 2020 Census is in Full Swing. Get Counted Now!

Starting today, homes across the country are getting invitations to complete the 2020 Census. There’s a lot at stake.and everyone needs to be counted.

The 2020 Census is here. The count started in remote Alaska in January. Starting on March 12, homes across the country will begin receiving invitations to complete the census.  

A whopping 143 million households (nearly 95% of the country) will receive an initial invitation to respond to the 2020 Census in their mailboxes between March 12 and 20. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home online, by phone, or by mail. So be sure to keep an eye on your mailbox on those dates! 

Participating in the census is in everyone's best interest, because it helps cities plan for school class sizes, health facilities, public transit, and the placement of grocery stores. 

At United Way, we understand the importance of a fair and accurate count. There’s a lot at stake, especially for many of the people we serve who are often from populations most at risk of being undercounted. We are deeply involved in this work because we recognize that a lack of needed federal funds will compound the needs that our communities face.  

Today, we are joining nonprofit organizations across the country in a Census Day of Action to build awareness, share resources and encourage everyone to participate in the census.  

Join the fight. YOU have the power to shape the future for you and your community.  

Here are 3 ways that you can take action: 

1. Educate your friends, family and neighbors on why the 2020 Census matters. 

2. Join United Way’s Pledge to be Counted! Text PLEDGE to 211-211 and receive a series of text messages about the census and how you can support the get-out-the-count.  

3. Spread the word on social media. Click here to tweet your commitment to completing the 2020 Census