Providing the Blueprint for a Better Financial Future

Amanda had tried a few different careers, but what she really wanted was to be in construction. She loved being out in the field, wielding tools and building things, but didn’t have the skills to get hired.

And then she discovered United Way of Greater Houston.

To help her fulfill her vision, Amanda was connected with a career coach through United Way THRIVE, United Way of Greater Houston’s family financial stability initiative. Amanda worked with her coach to develop a plan, received help with her resume and interview techniques, and enrolled in United Way THRIVE’s vocational-training program, where she began learning the skills needed to land her dream job.

After completing the vocational training, Amanda was hired into an apprenticeship program—but she didn’t stop there. Amanda continued to take advantage of United Way THRIVE’s financial stability services and started working with a financial coach. She began keeping a budget, paying off debt, growing her savings and working to build up her credit score.


“I walked away with a whole new path for my life. I walked away with dreams that I never had before,” said Amanda. “They’re giving me the opportunity to do it, so I’m doing it. I’m on the path to success.”

Amanda has since moved on to another job as an electrical apprentice, earning even more than she had been before. She plans to continue developing her skills and gaining experience so that she can become a journeyman in her field.

Once she reaches that goal, Amanda has big plans for her family: Not only are they going to get a home of their own, but they are going to help build it! Amanda wants to take the skills she has learned through United Way and apply them to help build a house for her family.

“I knew that this one apprenticeship program, this one job, this opportunity to get those skills, they were what I needed to get myself in that place financially where I could start planning and dreaming of a home,” said Amanda. “Now I can dream about exactly where I’m going.”