What Are You Doing on Good Deeds Day?


Most of us want to “do good.” Whether it is for family, our colleagues, our community, or the world. On Good Deeds Day, celebrated this year on April 2, you can join people from 93 countries around the globe to volunteer and to “do good.”

Now in its 11th year, Good Deeds Day was founded by businesswoman and philanthropist Shari Arison, and launched and organized by Ruach Tova, as part of The Ted Arison Family Foundation. Shari was also instrumental in founding Matan, United Way Israel, which encourages companies to be socially involved in their local communities.

Since 2007, millions of people, from thousands of organizations and businesses, have participated in Good Deeds Day. Any good deed, no matter how big or small, has an impact on both the recipient and the giver. Of course, acts of kindness and volunteer efforts benefit the recipient, but scientists have learned that that altruistic behavior releases endorphins in the brain, which produces a positive feeling in the giver, known as “helper’s high.”

Whether it is cleaning the yard of a neighbor or participating in a volunteer project such as reading to children in an after-school program, or helping with an urban garden, there are countless ways to make a positive change while doing good. How does Good Deeds Day make this happen? The Good Deeds Day website provides tools and resources to support those looking to make a difference.

Good deeds are contagious! Your good deeds will encourage your children, your friends, and others in your workplace or community to follow your example.  What are you going to do on Good Deeds Day? If you still need ideas, check out opportunities at your local United Way.